On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. On December 2, 2013, a person died due to an armed police operation for the first and currently only time in Iceland's history. China appreciates Iceland's open attitude towards China's participation in the Arctic affairs and will maintain close communication and cooperation with Iceland in this regard, Wang said. The Official Site of Philip T. Rivera. It also allows for common rules for controlling external borders and police cooperation. With the changing security environment and the transformation of NATO, the contribution of Iceland to the Alliance has also undergone major changes. This is vital for the cooperation within the Alliance, and for developing Norwegian operational personnel and maintaining the F-35s. The National Security Council can also call on other representatives to serve on the Council on an ad hoc basis if circumstances or subject matters require. [citation needed], The National Commissioner's National Security Unit (Icelandic: Greiningardeild Rkislgreglustjra), established in 2007, is currently responsible for internal intelligence activities which include evaluating threat to the constitution of the state such as terrorism or organized crime.